Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Collection Product Guide
Income Interruption Overview

Income Interruption is a deferment process that account holders are able to request through their financial institution based on the occurrence of a specific event, such as a labor union strike or natural disaster. System administrators can configure business rules to automatically decide whether or not their accounts meet eligibility for this process, as well as assign disposition actions to automatically occur as a result of whether or not eligibility requirements are met.

The diagram below provides an overview of the Income Interruption process in Temenos Infinity:

Import of Information

To enable and configure the Income Interruption Import for your institution, please contact a Temenos Customer Care Representative.

Temenos Infinity is able to accept one or more daily batch import files of accounts requesting an Income Interruption. Requests for deferment are imported into Temenos Infinity via comma-delimited text files including the following information:

Automated Decision Process

After an Income Interruption request is imported, it is automatically run through a decisioning process using Business Rules. Administrators can configure business rules under the IncomeInterruptionDecisioning category in System Management > Collections > Rules Management to determine eligibility requirements and assign disposition actions to occur based on whether or not the request meets eligibility.

Account Eligibility

Income Interruption Decisioning rules can be configured by the system administrator to determine one of the following results:

ShowAutomatically Decline

When an Income Interruption request is automatically declined, an automated letter is generated to the account holder explaining the reason for decline, the status is set to Declined and the following Income Interruption History fields are updated within the system:

ShowAutomatically Approve

When an Income Interruption request is automatically approved, an automated letter is generated to the account holder, the status is set to Approved and the following Income Interruption fields are updated within Temenos Infinity:

With the Income Interruption Export, a file containing the approved accounts is exported back to the core processor and the status in Temenos Infinity is updated from Approved to Active.

ShowSend for Manager Review

When configuring business rules for the Income Interruption process, system administrators can define eligibility conditions that do not meet the requirements for automatic approval or decline, requiring a manager to review the request and manually determine a decision.

When Manager Review is required, the Income Interruption status within Temenos Infinity is set to Pending Review and the Decision Reason is updated to reflect the reason identified within the Income Interruption Decisioning rule. The Income Interruption Review workflow step can then be used to approve or decline the Income Interruption request.

Depending on the decision, an approval or declination letter is selected within the workflow step and is sent to the Batch Letter Printing queue after execution of the Income Interruption Export.

Upon completion of the workflow, the account’s Income Interruption status is updated from Pending Review to Approved or Declined and the applicable fields related to the decision are updated in Temenos Infinity.

 Disposition Actions

Disposition actions, such as generating a letter, are automated based on the eligibility of an account. Disposition actions are configured as part of the IncomeInterruptionDecisioning rule and vary depending on whether the request is declined, approved or sent for manager review.

Reference the table below for an overview of the disposition actions that could occur for an Income Interruption request in a declined, approved, or pending review status as well as information regarding where items related to those disposition actions are configured in the system:

Request Status Disposition Action Configuration
Declined Generate an automated letter to the account holder explaining the reason for decline. Decline letters for Income Interruption can be configured in System Management > Communication > Letters & Forms.
Approved Generate an automated letter to the account holder and set a field on the account to identify it as in Income Interruption within the Related Accounts panel.

Approval letters for Income Interruption can be configured in System Management > Communicat > Letters & Forms.

The Related Accounts panel can be configured to include the Is Income Interruption field and/or Status field in System Management > Screens.

  • IsIncomeInterruption is a flag field that can be set to identify an account as currently in income interruption.
  • Status is a field that can be used to identify whether an income interruption request is APPROVED, DECLINED, PENDING_REVIEW or ACTIVE.
Pending Review Send the request to a manager to complete the analysis and determine the disposition of the request. Requests in need of manager review can be approved or declined through execution of the Income Interruption Review workflow step. This workflow step can be configured to appear in a workflow in System Management > Workflow >Workflows.

Rule Configuration

An account’s eligibility for income interruption and the disposition action that occurs as a result of whether or not eligibility is met are defined within the IncomeInterrutpionDecisioning rule configured in Rules Manager. Use the following table to assist with configuring business rules for the income Interruption process:

Action Template What it Does Category Selection
Auto-Decline Income Interruption Request Automatically declines an income interruption request, identifies a reason for the decline and assigns a letter to be sent to the account holder. 

Auto-Pending Review Income Interruption Request

Automatically sets the status of the income interruption request to Pending Review and identifies the reason for manual review. 

Accounts in a Pending Review status require a manual decision to be made by a manager. As aforementioned, income interruption requests can be manually approved or declined through execution of a workflow containing the Income Interruption Review workflow step.
Auto-Approve Income Interruption Request Automatically approves the income interruption request and assigns a letter to be sent to the account holder. 
With Income Interruption, accounts are evaluated individually, therefore, rules for Income Interruption should be written under the Root.Account entity.

For more information on authoring business rules, please see the Rule Authoring topic within this Guide.

Income Interruption in Temenos Infinity

System administrators can manage Income Interruption accounts in Temenos Infinity through the following features:

Feature Description Location
End Event Deferments Page System Management page used to identify the end of a deferment period for accounts associated to a specific event code. System Management > End Event Deferments
Income Interruption End Deferment Workflow Step Workflow step is used to terminate an active deferment. System Management > Workflow > Workflows
Income Interruption Review Workflow Step Workflow step is used to manually approve or decline an Income Interruption request that did not meet the eligibility requirement(s) for automatic approval or automatic decline defined through business rules. System Management > Workflow > Workflows

The following fields specific to the Income Interruption process are also available for use in Queues, Screens, Views, and Reports:

ShowIncome Interruption Fields

Income Interruption fields capture information for all accounts in an Active, Approved, or Pending Review Income Interruption status.

When a deferment period ends, the account’s Income Interruption status is set to Released after execution of the Income Interruption export and information for the account is then updated within the Income Interruption History.

Reference the table below for an overview of the available Income Interruption fields and their location in the system:

Field Name Location
Status Account > Income Interruption > Status
Import Date Account > Income Interruption > Import Date
Decision Date Account > Income Interruption > Decision Date
Release Date Account > Income Interruption > Release Date
Event Code Account > Income Interruption > Event Code
Source Code Account > Income Interruption > Source Code
Account Number Account > Income Interruption > Account Number
End Date Account > Income Interruption > End Date
Decision Reason Account > Income Interruption > Decision Reason
Decision User ID Account > Income Interruption > Decision User ID
Decision Letter ID Account > Income Interruption > Decision Letter ID
Release Type Account > Income Interruption > Release Type
Release Letter Date Account > Income Interruption > Release Letter Date
Release Letter ID Account > Income Interruption > Release Letter ID
Is Income Interruption Account > Income Interruption > Is Income Interruption
Starting DQ Amount Account > Income Interruption > Starting DQ Amount
Starting Balance Account > Income Interruption > Starting Balance
Ending DQ Amount Account > Income Interruption > Ending DQ Amount
Ending Balance Account > Income Interruption > Ending Balance

ShowIncome Interruption History Fields

Income Interruption History fields capture information for all accounts in a Declined and/or Released Income Interruption status. Reference the table below for an overview of the available Income Interruption History fields and their location in the system:

Field Name Location
Account Number Account > Income Interruption History > Account Number
Decision Date Account > Income Interruption History > Decision Date
Decision Letter Account > Income Interruption History > Decision Letter
Decision Reason Account > Income Interruption History > Decision Reason
Decision User Account > Income Interruption History > Decision User ID
End Date Account > Income Interruption History > End Date
Ending Balance Account > Income Interruption History > Ending Balance
Ending DQ Amount Account > Income Interruption History > Ending DQ Amount
Event Code Account > Income Interruption History > Event Code
Import Date Account > Income Interruption History > Import Date
Release Date Account > Income Interruption History > Release Date
Release Letter Account > Income Interruption History > Release Letter
Release Letter Date Account > Income Interruption History > Release Letter Date
Release Type Account > Income Interruption History > Release Letter Type
Source Code Account > Income Interruption History > Source Code
Starting DQ Amount Account > Income Interruption History > Starting DQ Amount
Starting Balance Account > Income Interruption History > Starting Balance

Ending a Deferment

A deferment event can be terminated individually through execution of the Income Interruption workflow step or as a batch from the End Event Deferments page in System Management.

The diagram below provides an overview of the Income Interruption End Deferment process in Temenos Infinity:

At the end of a deferment period, the status is updated from Active to Released for the terminated accounts and a file containing those accounts is exported to the core system in order for institutions to reinstitute the accounts’ regular payment schedule.

After an Income Interruption status is set to Released, a letter is generated for all applicable accounts and the following fields are updated within Temenos Infinity:

When a deferment is terminated through execution of the Income Interruption End Deferment workflow step, the Release Type is updated to Individual. The Release Type is updated to Batch for deferments terminated through the End Event Deferments page in System Management.

Export of Information

To enable and configure the Income Interruption Export for your institution, please contact a Temenos Customer Care Representative.

Income Interruption accounts are exported in a single-column file containing the following field:

See Also

Workflow Steps

Account Servicing



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